Monday, October 21, 2013

[UPDATE] Blackberry Messenger for Android to Start Rolling Out to the Play Store

Blackberry Messenger for Android might finally see life again. Seems that the messaging app might be rolling out to the Play Store sometime today. Back in September, a leaked apk hit the web, and there was quite a frenzy to get a hold of it. This caused Blackberry to postpone their release for Android and iOS, but it is looking like they are ready for the frenzy again.

This is the news you’ve been waiting for! I am thrilled to tell you that we are about to officially resume our rollout of BBM for Android and iPhone customers around the globe!* In the next few hours, people will start seeing BBM in Google Play, the App Store and in select Samsung App Stores – where it will be free to download.
As you know, in just seven hours, about one million Android users were using the unreleased version of BBM for Android. What you don’t know is that more than one million people have found creative ways to “side load” BBM on their iPhone. This is incredible.
To help manage this unprecedented pent up demand for BBM, we are implementing a simple line-up system to ensure a smooth roll out.
If you are dying to try this messaging app, because for some reason you do not like Google Hangouts, then keep your eye on the Play Store. Let us know if you get it.
UPDATE: BBM is now live in the Play Store. The PLay Store link was not working for me on desktop, but worked on mobile.
Source: Droid-Life


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